HAUNT is a cooperative of volunteers and does not have a hierarchical leadership structure. Instead, our founders outlined various tasks and contacts needed within a community network, and then…

we all drew a task out of a hat!

These roles will rotate annually at a planning meeting and as we grow we may expand duties for each role, or develop new roles as needed.

Secretary – takes incoming communication and distributes it to the proper channels; top of the phone tree.

Treasurer– Tracks all the money and facilitates mutual aide.

Liaison– internal affairs; treasurer’s checks and balances; facilitates community projects with the ambassador.

Ambassador– external affairs; organizes community outreach; facilitates community service projects.

Director of Ceremonies– ensures scheduled rituals are up to standard; first point of contact for ritual facilitators.

2025 assignments:

Secretary (Shuler)

Treasurer (Boyce)

Liaison (Ahn)

Ambassador ( Patricia)

Director of Ceremonies (Autumn)